Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing

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About Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing

The Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²) is a scientific institute of Paderborn University. Since 1991 it is a competence center for parallel and distributed computing of the state North Rhine-Westfalia (NRW). Its mission is the operation of transregional computing centers and the development of technologies and applications within national and international research projects. The PC² considers itself an interdisciplinary research center, which—together with users from the areas of computer science, mathematics, engineering and natural sciences—works on scientific and industrial issues regarding high-performance computing and datacenter management.

HPC Expertise

  • Provisioning of HPC infrastructure and services for computational sciences, where our main users are coming from our university's profile areas "Optoelectronics and photonics" and "Lightweight design with hybrid systems" (material sciences).

  • Development of new methods for HPC simulation codes and contribution of these codes to widely used open source codes (e.g., CP2K, ls1 MarDyn, ms2, QuantumESPRESSO, ADOL-C).

  • Computing systems research for energy-efficient high-performance computing with an emphasis on heterogeneous and accelerated computing with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Manycore architectures.

HPC Systems

XCL FPGA-Cluster - Arbor Workstation 2HE C612 INTEL

since May 2017 - learn more
FPGA nodes Tier 3 hpc system
8 Nodes
512.00 GiB
Main Memory
32 CPU Cores
16 FPGAs
Alpha Data

Noctua 2 - Atos Bull Sequana XH2000 Nvidia DGX -A100

since November 2021 - Last Update: April 2022 - learn more -
FPGA nodes GPU nodes MPP system Tier 2 hpc system
7.100 TFlop/s
Peak Performance
1,121 Nodes
Mellanox HDR100-Infiniband
347.00 TiB
Main Memory
143,488 CPU Cores
136 GPGPUs
80 FPGAs
Bittware, AMD XILINX

Noctua 1 - Cray CS500

since November 2018 - learn more
GPU nodes MPP system Tier 3 hpc system
835 TFlop/s
Peak Performance
274 Nodes
Intel Omnipath
51.00 TiB
Main Memory
10,960 CPU Cores

File Systems

WORK file system

Scratch (Cray Cray ClusterStor Lustre)

since November 2018
HDD Symbol
720 TB
disk storage

Scratch (DDN DDN Exascaler 7990X with NVMe accelerator Lustre)

since April 2022
HDD Symbol
6000 TB
disk storage

HPC Networks and Alliances


Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl
Universität Paderborn
Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

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Legal Entity

Universität Paderborn

Die Universität Paderborn orientiert sich an der Leitidee der "Universität der Informationsgesellschaft". Die starke Informatik und deren Anwendungsfelder sowie die interdisziplinäre Durchdringung vieler Disziplinen durch informationstechnologische Aspekte bilden für diese Ausrichtung zwar eine hervorragende Grundlage; die Hochschule will aber mehr erreichen: Sie möchte die naturwissenschaftlich-technische Entwicklung der Informationsgesellschaft vorantreiben, sie kritisch begleiten, gleichzeitig den Blick für die beständigen Werte unserer Kultur öffnen, aber auch die sich in der Informations- oder Wissensgesellschaft bietenden Chancen nutzen. Das Lehr- und Forschungsprofil umfasst in den fünf Fakultäten ein breit gestreutes Fächerspektrum in den Geistes-, Wirtschafts-, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften.


Universität Paderborn
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn